
Money, no matter how you may understand it to be, or no matter how it may be diced by others, it is still like most other things, a commodity. And to get more of it, you need to find a better and smarter way of getting it, other than selling your time out like you do now!

And if at this very moment you Do Not have even $10,000 secured that keep compounding itself exponentially, whereby you NEVER need to touch it even in any emergency, that being the case, you are neither rich nor wealthy.

So, to be either of them you have to know the difference in order to create the correct mind set going forward in pursuance of your First $10,000 which you can make from learning and doing what you will find here..

The difference between being RICH and being WEALTHY.

It's simple actually. Being rich means, you have a lot of money, be it coming from a high paying job or you just won the lottery. It's a classification of the current state of your bank account.

Being WEALTHY means you never have to worry about money again, Because you have a system in place that generates cashflow.

Why is this an important distinction?

Well, how many rich people do we hear about going bankrupt?
A lot actually!

Because money is really easy to spend and to run out of it, if you don't have a proper system in place to be consistently giving you more and more of it.

The whole idea of being WEALTHY is creating a bulletproof shield around ourselves and our family so that NOTHING can ever truly knock us down, all while having more than enough CASHFLOW to live a life where we rarely have to second guess doing something that we know will make us happy.

So how do we create real, generational wealth for ourselves without trading our time for money?

There are people that no longer even have any time left, and yet they earn more money than you.

Elvis Pressley is an example.

He made $130,000,000 in 2022 (and he died in 1977).

The reason he can still make that much money while he's dead is because he has a system that is adding value in others' lives, without his time, and being present. And his family are reaping the benefits of his generational wealth.

Now, you don't need to be a famous singer in the past to achieve the same thing now, while you are alive.

I have some advice for you...

First, don't listen to anyone who tells you that you need MULTIPLE streams of income to get started.

Having a 9-5 job, and five side hustles, all of which require your active time in order to make money will definitely burn you out, and you will achieve Nothing.

You see, millionaires do not get to where they are because they have multiple streams of income. Instead, they start by focusing ALL of their efforts on one PRIMARY and SCALABLE income stream.

Then, once they've generated more money than they know what to do with, they invest that money to build new revenue streams that further compound the money they're already generating with that first revenue stream and doing so at a much faster pace than otherwise.

To be wealthy you needed to pivot and go all in on the ONE PERFECT income stream that could generate massive CASHFLOW in a very short period of time and ALSO had practically no ceiling on the revenue it could generate.

Without that first business that generates significant income, none of the following “income streams” that all millionaires claim to have, would be possible.

So, if your goal, like many people, is to create a bulletproof shield of wealth around you and your family, you first need to commit yourself to focusing on building one PRIMARY income stream that has the following characteristics:

  • The ability to generate cashflow QUICKLY (without waiting for years.)

  • The ability to generate 5X more than what your living expenses are (So we can invest)

  • The ability to generate cashflow WITHOUT needing to actively trade time for money (to avoid being burnout)

  • And this is what we do.

    We show our team members how to go from being an everyday person working in their 9-5 or 7-3 jobs, and transform them into having complete financial and time freedom. - To Be Wealthy!

    You can do the same.

    In this brief guide that follows, you will learn of a systematic, simple step-by-step process for formulating your game plan to make your first 10,000 or more online without trading your time for money.


    You Can Never Replace Your Time Or Get It Refunded

Here’s what you’ll discover:

  • The most simplest, profitable business model to make real money online right now
  • Discover the 4 secret keys to a 10k, 50k, and 100k a month business model, step-by-step
  • Not: Shopify, Amazon FBA, Real Estate, Affiliate Marketing, Multi-Level Marketing
  • The BEST marketing system to use in 2022 and beyond (only selected few know about this)
  • How to generate traffic, leads, and sales on autopilot for cheap!
  • 10k in 30 days is the initial goal
  • Guaranteed Scam & BS Free Content
  • No experience necessary. Learn while you earn.

Want In?
Then Learn How . . . . .

Why Many People Fail

You see. . . . .

The ugly truth is, despite working hard and having big dreams, most people will never build real wealth.

And for those who become aware and want to make it online, they typically follow this very plan.

Design for web

The truth is most opportunities do not work or at least, do not work for beginners. Because it takes a lot of work input to knowing the various components that need to come together to make it work.

This requires a lot of time, money, and effort, of which many can’t stand the endurance and / or the complexities required.

And that is why many fail.

And it's not because they're lazy or lack ambition.

It's because they lack a simple yet critical piece of the puzzle.

I know... because I was once in that position, it was awful and very frustrating.

For years, and years I struggled.

If you have been on the Internet for even just the last 5 days wanting to find out what online businesses might be available, you would have seen all sorts of Internet Marketing Secrets:

"7 secrets to making large profits with your website."

"The 10 secrets to your success online."

"Hidden secrets the Internet Gurus are not telling you."

"The only secrets you need to know to become and Internet millionaire."

"Secrets to boost your subscriber list by 677% quickly and easily."

"Secrets to building a fire under your affiliates to create sales."

These and many like them are all common headlines I still find in my Inbox every week. And I am sure you must be getting similar ones too.

I was overwhelmed by the complexity of Internet marketing, and information indigestion. But more so, I was very frustrated because I felt for "Internet wealth building strategies" that led me nowhere.

And even those that might have worked, couldn’t get my full attention because I didn’t know how to organise my thoughts into executable ideas.

I worried a lot about making poor choices and losing money, and guess what? They both happened, and those were miserable days.

They aren’t good experiences to recount, but well, I am telling you anyway, so you get properly informed. In my case no one did.

The turning point came when I realized that sustainable wealth isn’t built through luck, or guesswork and presumptions.

It’s the result of a well-designed plan to follow, coupled with a disciplined mind.

Without a tailored and a comprehensive plan in place that shows you exactly what to do, you might fall victim to the same and or variations of same schemes and traps, and decisions based on fear, emotions and guru’s hypes, and lies

I know because I suffered from it!

When I was still working my 9-5 job, I was able to save some money but I didn't know how to grow it.

My money sat idle in a savings or retirement account somewhere, doing absolutely nothing.

But it wasn’t scalable enough to truly break into the realm of wealth creation.

But there came a time when I realized there was not enough time in a day for me to make enough money to build that bulletproof shield of wealth. All I have then, was an idea and a strong will to carry it on.

It was at that point in time I realized I needed to pivot and go all in on one perfect income stream that could generate cashflow within a short time without limitations on the revenue it could generate.

I made some time on one weekend and decided it was high time I change course.

Then I scrambled one weekend after another and another, to find some great "business opportunity", and moved money around in a desperate attempt to stumble upon success.

But of course, it never happened!

As I have explained earlier.

Eventually, everything changed for me, when I came by what I came to call the "Cashflow Blueprint".

And guess what happened when I took it on seriously? My eyes got opened to the fact that success with the right business, isn’t really that complicated after all.

And within my very second week of starting, I made the first $494 sale.

I know it’s not the very big and the exciting millions as many would expert from all the marketing secrets promised by the gurus and their hypes, you might have been sold on as well.

But I was very excited and content with it, why?

Because most great things in life start from humble beginnings.

So, if I can show you how to do it and you can get the same results, you wouldn’t need to be in any Maths classes to understand how Arithmetic Progression works.

Over the past few years, I have stayed with it, and used this simple yet powerful step-by-step system to generate more higher income through smart marketing and reinvesting.

This business is…

  • Fast to launch
  • Low-cost to scale
  • Simple to succeed with
  • Very profitable
  • No more confusion
  • Just a clear path to follow
  • Perfect for beginners & experts

This business gives you…

  • More profit
  • More financial security
  • More happiness
  • More time to do the things you love.

And right now, as I write there are roughly more than 2700 of the Internet’s top marketers who are in the know, are in the process of building their wealth using this exact marketing cashflow system, because they have stopped chasing their tails, and you can do the same.

So, with all the due diligence done, would you like me to share this cashflow system with you?

If yes, it will save you years of sweat and anguish; sleepless nights and money headaches, wasted time on guru courses and secrets; and webinars after webinars, and all their bull crap.

  • Well, my team and I market “MAP”
  • We use MAP as a Transition Business from the current position of selling time for money, to making money work for us.
  • Now, you can do the same.

[A Ready-Made Business Solution In A Box]

MAP provides one of the simplest and the finest forms of digital marketing opportunities you will find online today. It is a knowledge base product business.

MAP is a “buy-to-play” business model, more or less like a franchise. You first buy into it; and you make money out of the sales of the products packages you come to owe as a business.

It’s like owing a KFC shop, you can eat whatever you would want out of your shop, and then sell the same foods to all the hungry people who decide to drive through to satisfy their hunger and thirst.

Only this time it’s even much better; someone else has done all the “cooking”, not you!

In other words, in addition to the knowledge you gain from using the product contents, it also serves as the “goods” which you can sell, without the unnecessary tedious burden, and the enormous amount of time needed for you to create any product by yourself.

One other good aspect of MAP is that, there are now many people from all over the world that needs this knowledge even now more than ever, as this unwanted pandemic has forced more and more people and small businesses to move their businesses online full time.

Or work from home in order to minimise their contact with other people as much as possible and to stay safe.

Cost And Benefits

I am now going to break down the cost so you will know how much it will cost you to get in and to run it successfully.

Main: MAP Complete Package $247
Main: MAP Admin Fee $33; Total = 280

Advertising Cost: Minimum Estimate to start: $450-950 to start.

This depends on you. How much you can afford to invest in your business determines how quickly it grows. The more $$ you can put in the better. [There are low cost ways available, but that requires a lot of time and work input]

All business need customers in order to grow, so, if you do not advertise your business, it will eventually die.

So, if you are willing to put in the effort and the time, I will also show you how to take your initial investment of $280 progressively into $2,000, $5,000, $10,000 or better, in the shortest possible time. No Joke!

These sorts of income is what is called the cash flow; and this is what you will need to keep reinvesting in your business in order to eventually diversify into other more rewarding business areas down the road as your cash flow grows.

This cash flow effect is what many people online or offline are unable to think of ahead of time, and in the absence, that is why their businesses fail among other factors.

Therefore, understanding this basic business phenomenon should underpin everything you do in your business.

$10,000 cannot buy a house or pay a yearly rent in most parts of the world today.

But if you can acquire $10,000 into your bank account, there are so many ways to compound this money to do whatever else you would want, within the shortest possible time in this day and age.

This is a proven path to 10K per month provided you put in the work.

This must be your initial goal.

How You Make Money Fast

When you buy into MAP the whole product package is yours.

It initially provides you, among other related categories, a complete and an invaluable digital marketing knowledge at your disposal to learn from.

You can decide that this is all you would want to do with it – to study and apply in your day-to-today business- and that is fine; nothing stops you. That is part of your user rights.

Alternatively, you can also decide to go the business route as well.

To do so, you can download the lot, repackage them and sell them at any higher price you would want.

But doing the business this way is how you will fail and fail fast.

Because every conceivable business thought has been planned and implemented into the “franchise” for you and ready to make you money, so why would you want to prove stupid to yourself?

In a simplified way this is how MAP makes you money:

The business has been programmed to resell MAP for you at the same cost price you bought it, i.e. $247.

This earns you a direct 100% commission on every package you sell.

And assuming even if all the sales you can make were just 2 sales a day;

This Amounts To:

247 x 2 = $494 x that by 7 days = $3458/wk.

And assuming things remain the same, how long will it take you to make $10,000?

There is more to it than this, but let’s keep it this simple.

And what if you decide you do not want to do any other business than to market MAP, and you put all your efforts into MAP such that your highs and lows sale averages just 3 packages a day?

247 x 3 = $741 x that by 7 days = $5187/wk.

Now think of this alternative: What if you were to be selling very low-ticket products priced at $47 for example.

In such instances you’re already playing a losing man’s game.

So now, let’s go back to our beginner’s level marketing and notch things up a bit. And assuming in our example you are now able to sell 100 copies of MAP in a week.

Now let’s see: 100 x $247, that will make you = $24,700 /week (at 100% Commission)

Even if the above money took a whole month to make, how many people do make $24,700 per month that you know of?

Not many my friend, if any; but now you can.

And what about: selling 100 copies of a low cost $47 / Product?

That will amount to = $4700 /week (If the product were fully yours)

This is how smart marketers make money. They do not spend their time looking for $7 commissions. If you do, you will end up broke!

So, unless you have plenty of money (about 250k cash) to spend on ads, you better avoid doing low ticket marketing.

MAP therefore gives you an easily proven path to 10K per month as you can see, if you put your mind and the work necessary into it.

So, if you did Nothing Else and all you do is MAP business for the next 3 years, can you imagine what your life will be like?

Let’s still be very conservative and practical, and let’s stick to our expectation of just 3 sales a day.

So that, even if this is all you did, spending just about an hour a day, to earning $5187/week; this alone can put you into a very comfortable living, and not many people will disagree with me on this.

So, as you can see – This Can Be A Permanent Income Insurance for you.

At What Cost? $280 (one time)

This Income Insurance will enable you to eventually finance your way into any proper asset-producing businesses of your choice after some careful planning.

And with such huge amount of cashflow at your disposal. . . .

  • First off, your financial scarcity and fear is permanently removed.
  • You will never again have to gamble with your rent on business ventures you come across.
  • You will never again have to fiddle with the family budget to make ends meet.
  • You will never gain have to touch your savings due to some unexpected eventuality.
  • And you will never again be afraid to invest when real opportunities come your way.
  • And it wouldn’t matter even if you were unwittingly drawn into a scam.

This MAP business alone can do all these and more for you, if you took it on.

In summary: here are the benefits you get by following this simple business plan

  • You get a business in-a-box of your own (Done for you)
  • A rapid build-up of a huge cashflow right from the start. (A smart way to start a business)
  • The business you build is your own (and not as in affiliate marketing and the like)
  • The list you build are solely yours to keep. (And not as in affiliate marketing and the like)
  • They provide a platform like Clickbank for you to readily sell your product.
  • All sales proceeds are yours to keep 100%, not some commission.

And here is your reminder:

“To be wealthy you needed to pivot and go all in on ONE PERFECT income stream that could generate massive CASHFLOW in a very short period of time”

And now you have one such perfect product that fits the bill.

See MAP as a stepping stone for greater things to come. Taking advantage of its business model can leapfrog your way into higher income earnings, without which you would not be able to do so on your own, or it will otherwise take you years, or probably you will never, ever make it! So why hinder yourself?



Every effort has been made to accurately represent the skills, concepts, ideas, techniques and “know how” offered in this letter for the program and the potential it entails. Examples of earnings are for illustrations only and not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of any earnings. Your results will vary and will depend on many factors…including but not limited to your background, experience, time devoted, finances, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action, such as anything good in life. This is not ‘get rich quick scheme’ as it takes work. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT opt-in for the business. . Copyright 2022 – Divineporters.Com – All rights reserved.

“Successful People never Reach Their Goals Alone”

So Join Us.

See Next Page

I couldn’t have simplified your path to a Better Living than what I have opened up to you today.

To this point a lot has been said, but the only thing you would have also noticed I haven’t said so far was that “if you did nothing you will make plenty of money”.

But If you are really that money hungry, and you have a good foresight and suffers no procrastination paralysis, then this is it, this business model is for you!

At this moment in time you are lucky enough to know more than most people do, and therefore the option to screw up your financial security and independence now and into the future is no longer possible for you, unless YOU make it a deliberate choice to manage to do so.

The link to make the change you need is now just above, but . . . . .

The decision is yours, as . . . . . .
I can only show you the way, which I have well done; I would think.

You have everything to gain.

So don’t close this page and be left wondering in a week’s, or in a month’s time from today. . . .

– “what if”!

So, take action and sign up now.
It could be the best decision you ever made.

I am . . . .

Samuel Aaron
(Your Team Leader)

P.S. Think about how much money you LOSE every day by not taking this offer. That Is A Lot Of Money! It depends, but. . . . .

$5187/7 = $741 per Day, and possibly more!

P.P.S. I tell all my students. . . . .

The key to Internet success is one business model, one mentor to teach you, one product to sell, one platform to build your audience, and stick with it for one year.

This business model you have seen fits these principles perfectly for you.

And if you can do that your life will change dramatically for ever!



Every effort has been made to accurately represent the skills, concepts, ideas, techniques and “know how” offered in this letter for the program and the potential it entails. Examples of earnings are for illustrations only and not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of any earnings. Your results will vary and will depend on many factors…including but not limited to your background, experience, time devoted, finances, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action, such as anything good in life. This is not ‘get rich quick scheme’ as it takes work. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT opt-in for the business. . Copyright 2022 – Divineporters.Com – All rights reserved.

“Successful People never Reach Their Goals Alone”

So Join Us.

See Next Page

Your Complimentary

And as an Incentive Bonus and a compliment for being one of our next newest team members, I will be offering you any 2 sets of vacation Vouchers of your choice as shown below. These Special Free Vacation Vouchers are yours once your signup registration is completed, so as to enable you to relax and plan your business ahead.

This also gives you an opportunity to probably meet other members of the team while on the vacation and to share ideas, strategies, and aspirations. This way you can work and play at the same time.

Bonus #1. 8 Days 7 Nights Resorts Vacation Voucher

You get to choose from exciting resort destinations within the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Europe, Mexico, Asia, Africa, Australia and more. You will have the opportunity to select accommodations ranging from a comfortable studio up to a spacious two-bedroom unit, based on availability. Resort amenities may feature: large living and dining rooms, fully-equipped kitchens, laundry facilities, pools, hot tubs, saunas, spas and state-of-the-art fitness centres; along with activities such as windsurfing, parasailing, water skiing, and championship golf courses.

Bonus #2. 3 Days, 2 Nights Vacation Voucher ( Multi Destinations)

This reservation offers you 3 days and 2 nights hotel accommodations at one of the exciting cities below for two adults ages 21 or older and up to two children under 18. Valid arrival days are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Weekend arrivals are available for an additional fee. Holiday weeks will incur an additional charge of $25 per person per night. This vacation certificate can be used for any of the following luxurious destinations:

Arizona: Lake Havasu, Phoenix, Sedona, Scottsdale
California: Big Bear Lake, Carlsbad, Costa Mesa, Escondido, Oceanside, Rancho Bernardo, San Diego, San Marco, Temecula, Truckee
Colorado: Breckenridge
Florida: Clearwater, Cocoa, Daytona Beach, Deerfield Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, Ft. Myers, Indian Rocks Beach, Kissimmee, Miami, New Smyrna Beach, Orlando, Sunny Isles Beach, Tampa
Illinois: N. Utica
Virginia: Virginia Beach, Williamsburg
Bahamas: Freeport
Canada: Collingwood
Mexico: Cancun, Loreto
Puerto Rico: Carolina.
And more.

Bonus #3. Two Adults -3, 4 or 7 Night Cruise Getaway Voucher

This certificate offers two adults with a 3, 4 or 7 Night Cruise Getaway to one of many exciting destinations. Double occupancy required.

Aboard ship, recipients will enjoy all their delicious meals and exciting shipboard entertainment. You’ll be cruising on Carnival, Royal Caribbean or Norwegian Cruise Line to fabulous ports and destinations such as Port Canaveral, FL to Nassau; Miami, FL to Nassau; or Los Angeles, CA to Ensenada, Mexico.

Enjoy these exciting on-board features: Welcome Aboard Party; Great meals and snacks, Midnight buffets, Wide range of entertainment, Nightclub shows, Full gambling casino, Spa program, Duty-free on-board shopping, Captain’s Cocktail Party, and Supervised children’s activities.

Accommodations are for an entry-level interior cabin. Upgrades to more spacious cabins with outstanding ocean views are available for a surcharge at time of booking. Passengers must be 21 years of age or older.

The estimated value for your 3 nights, 4 nights, and 7 nights on this cruise liner are $947,$1579, and $1979. Combining this with any other vacation voucher shows the high value we place on each and every new team member. Now you can combine business with pleasure. - Yours Free

To claim your voucher, just send your proof of purchase after completing the form provided on this site

Please allow at least 48 hours for verification; and the registration link to be mailed to you.

Note: This is not a contest. Once you sign up to MAP, you qualify for the vacation vouchers. It is that simple! You can have 1 or pick any 2 of your choice.

P.S. For US Residents ONLY.

We provide you with the vacation immediately so you can experience now, what your life would be like from here on. So, sign up today!

“Successful People never Reach Their Goals Alone”

And remember this: opportunity never gets lost, if you ignore it, it goes somewhere else, so why would you?

The Key Is Now Within Your Grasp;
Will You Take It. . . . Or Let It Go?

You Have Seen How Making $5187/Wk. Is Possible.
And So Is $10,000

No coding
No inventory or shipping
No complicated funnels… And
You can see results FAST
There’s no customer service
You’re building a valuable asset of your own
It’s simple, super-quick to set up and requires no experience to start.

A business model that offers you top end benefits WITHOUT any of the same risks or complexities associated with similar outcomes.

Again here is your link to success in 2023 and beyond


Every effort has been made to accurately represent the skills, concepts, ideas, techniques and “know how” offered in this letter for the program and the potential it entails. Examples of earnings are for illustrations only and not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of any earnings. Your results will vary and will depend on many factors…including but not limited to your background, experience, time devoted, finances, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action, such as anything good in life. This is not ‘get rich quick scheme’ as it takes work. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT opt-in for the business. . Copyright 2022 – Divineporters.Com – All rights reserved.

“Successful People never Reach Their Goals Alone”

So Join Us.

See Next Page

What You Have To Do Next

Part 1

STEP #1.
Once Your Payment Is Done, Please Complete The Form Below And Submit it . . .IF
Your intent is to be part of the “business franchise” and the team.
You will receive the first set up instructions to follow for verification and to receive the vacation vouchers you have selected.

STEP #2.
Please check your Inbox/ Spam/ Junk/ Promotion/ Folders for the next instructions to follow.

Thank You.
Samuel Aaron
(Team Leader)

Yes, I am Ready!

Check Your Inbox/Spam/Promotions/Folder For Details